I did not post anything least week. In the interest of “peace on earth” I refrained from posting. With 2018 in full swing, I thought we’d start out the new year with something to help you accomplish at least one of your New Years resolutions. To exercise or get in better shape! This is a simple challenge from our friends at WebExercises and encompasses a 4 week challenge, with just 5 exercises, that starts out light and builds up the number of reps as you go. This is only a suggestion and if you already have a regular workout routine, you may be better off sticking with that.
If you have question or want some help improving your form while doing any of these exercises, call to schedule an appointment. It is important that you have some knowledgeable, outside, feedback when beginning any sort of exercise program. Doing exercises with improper form can actually lead to dysfunction and injury. Here’s to a very happy, healthy, and productive 2018!